Mediation and Deposition Preparations
3:15 – 4:15 pm
Magnolia Ballrooms 4 – 6
Convention Level
In a claims handler’s day, their most valuable asset has always been time management. Notwithstanding all other responsibilities associated with the oversight of actively litigated claims, success (and lack of associated stress) in each event undertaken is traditionally contingent upon how comprehensive the preparation has been. This panel of claim and industry experts will share their best practice tips for preparation for two of the most critical responsibilities a claims handler faces… adjuster depositions and mediations. The panel’s objective is to create a better understanding as to what comprehensive preparation should entail, based on both their experience, and acknowledgement of the time limitations a busy claims handler faces while managing their caseload.
Scott H. Silver, Attorney
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Crystal Chancey
Workers’ Compensation Claims Manager
Publix Super Markets
Lakeland, FL
Michael Grimaldi
Senior Lost Time Adjuster
Travelers Insurance Company
Orlando, FL
Hector Cano
Claims Manager
Frank Winston Crum Insurance
Clearwater, FL
Track: Adjusters Program Two
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