Major Contributing Cause and Indexing: How It All Ties Together in a Workers’ Compensation Claim

9:00 – 10:00 am

Crystal Ballroom C
Convention Level
(Entrance to G2)

“Major contributing cause” and “claim indexing” results are highly litigated topics in workers’ compensation. This session will discuss how to correctly use indexing results to aid in determining major contributing cause. The panel will discuss how to address the findings with the authorized treating physician so that an opinion on major contributing cause can be provided to the adjuster, nurse case manager, and attorney. Our panelists will assist workers’ compensation professionals to navigate the obstacles of using an index reporting system to aid in determining major contributing cause. The course will further “dive into” the issue of major contributing cause, especially how to make that critical decision from the adjuster, nurse case manager, and attorney’s perspective.

Michael Bunte
Workers’ Compensation Project Manager
Tampa, FL

Teddy Gonzalez, CMDS, QRP, FMG
Counter/Vice-President/Chief Clinical Case Manager
Field Case Managers, Inc.
Miami, FL

Mariam Dehghani Yanes, Attorney
Coral Gables, FL


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