Lessons Learned and Moving Forward: All Eyes on Workers’ Compensation... and a Look at What’s Next

For more than a century, businesses across the country have come to rely on the “Grand Bargain,” more commonly known as workers’ compensation, as essential to healthy commerce. What often goes undetected is that workers’ compensation is comprised of multiple state systems, each with their own unique set of rules and regulations regarding benefits, compliance, and administration. Moreover, these systems are in constant flux, thereby introducing new layers of complexity to an already convoluted arrangement. New rules and regulations are invariably pending, the definition of compensability is continually evolving, and benefits are constantly changing… as are the needs and expectations of the injured workers and companies whose interest workers’ compensation was originally designed to serve.

Sedgwick Senior Vice President, Carrier and Risk Practice, David Stills will offer opening remarks and introduce a series of sessions looking at some of today’s most pressing workers’ compensation issues and what’s next. In this session series, we will look at key medical advancements affecting the care and recovery of those injured on the job, explore ways to streamline the claims’ process to optimize outcomes and improve experience and to explore some of the latest trends in research impacting workers’ compensation today.

David Stills
Senior Vice President, Carrier and Risk Practice
Lowell, AR