Workers’ Compensation Issues in Colleges and Universities- Should Student-Athletes be Covered “Employees”?
12:50 – 1:50 pm
Grand Ballrooms 4 – 6
Convention Level
The serious and sometimes life-long injuries that some student-athletes suffer as they play for their colleges and universities has been the subject of growing concern in the past two decades, while the revenue produced by college athletics has reached enormous sums. This presentation will summarize the current situation, key court decisions and laws, philosophical/ ethical perspectives, and include a discussion as to how student-athletes can be regarded as employees to extend workers’ compensation insurance benefits as a key protection.
Dr. Norma Goonen
Florida International University
Miami, FL
Honorable Sylvia Medina-Shore
Florida Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims
Miami, FL
Track: National Workers’ Compensation Judiciary College
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