Medical Marijuana – Highs and Lows

2:00 – 3:00 pm

Magnolia Ballrooms 1 & 2
Convention Level

Medical marijuana may or may not be treatment authorized to be paid for under state workers’ compensation systems. Regardless of whether medical marijuana is payable as a source of care, such treatment will have significant effects on an employer/carrier’s workers’ compensation and safety programs. This session is aimed at understanding the relationship between the use of medical marijuana and its effects on an employer’s established safety programs, hiring processes, return to work issues, Drug-Free Workplace Programs, and the administration of claims handling including the ability to deny claims completely or deny medical/indemnity payable. This is a “must” session for employer/carrier representatives concerned with all aspects of established workplace safety programs and adjusters handling on-the-job accident benefit payments.

Robert Bennett, Attorney
Bennett, Jacobs & Adams, PA
Tampa, FL


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