First, Do No Harm — Effectively Identifying Psychological Issues and Treating the Whole Person

11:00 – 12:00 pm

Grand Ballroom 8A
Convention Level

Mental health issues act as an unseen obstacle to recovery from workplace accidents, worsening medical/indemnity outcomes, and posing unique obstacles on their own. Regarded as the leading cause of disability in the U.S., they are their costliest when least treated. But what to do? Our groundbreaking panel introduces newest thinking and effective ways of teaching professionals throughout the workers’ compensation environment real impacts of mental health factors and then motivating implementation of authentically effective treatment ranging from self-management approaches to coordination of evidence-based treatment as part of biopsychosocial whole person care. With enlightened participation of carriers, medical, claims and even legal professionals, better, and more lasting outcomes are virtually assured.

Dr. Geralyn Datz, PhD, MP
Southern Behavioral Medicine Associates
Hattiesburg, MS

Dr. David Hanscom
Swedish Neuroscience Specialists
Seattle, WA


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