Delayed Treatment in Workers’ Compensation: Are there any Procedural/Legal Avenues to Ensure Prompt and Accurate Care?
11:00 – 11:50 am
Grand Ballrooms 4 – 6
Convention Level
An essential purpose of workers’ compensation is to deliver prompt and effective medical care. This purpose can be disrupted, and even defeated, when disputes arise over the reasonableness, necessity, and work-injury causal connection of this care. This panel will review and identify procedural and legal devices which exist among states devised to address the issue. The speakers will identify devices in their own states and in other jurisdictions, and make suggestions for how workers’ compensation judges in individual cases can seek to resolve disputes over medical care and help make the system perform this essential function.
Honorable David B. Torrey
Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry
Pittsburg, PA
Honorable Douglas Gott
Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Board
Frankfurt, KY
Track: National Workers’ Compensation Judiciary College
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