Cardiovascular Disease in Presumption Cases
10:00 – 11:00 am
Crystal Ballroom J1
Convention Level
While the presumption related to heart disease and hypertension may be controversial from a causation perspective, this panel will address the important medical issues that surround Heart Bill claims from a cost containment and risk mitigation perspective. Drs. Perloff and Borzak have years of experience as board certified cardiologists managing workers compensation cases. Mr. Bichler has been an advocate for first responders for more than 30 years and has represented thousands of firefighters and police officers with cardiac claims. They will provide a unique and refreshing perspective on how best to manage these types of cases and improve outcomes while saving money.
Geoff Bichler, Attorney
Bichler and Longo, PLLC
Orlando, FL
David Perloff, MD, FACC, FACP
Cardiologist, Broward Health Medical Center
Broward Health Imperial Point
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Steven Borzak, MD
Cardiologist, Florida Cardiology Group
Atlantis, FL