Adversity To Innovation: Leveraging Lessons Learned To Shape The Future Of Risk Management In A Post-Pandemic World
2:15 – 3:15 pm
Grand Ballroom 7A
Convention Level
Over the course of the last two years, risk professionals were forced to rethink and reassess their ways of working and how they coordinate across teams, all while navigating an evolving and often unpredictable business landscape. Join the conversation with a group of seasoned risk leaders who share what worked, what surprised them, and key learnings that they plan to carry forward as they chart the course ahead.
Lindsay Rabicoff
Senior Director II-Governance, Programs & Strategies
Walmart Claim Services
Bentonville, AR
Tisha Montgomery
Director of Workers’ Compensation
Walmart Claims Services
Bentonville, AR
Lauren McBride
Director of Liability Claims
Publix Super Markets
Lakeland, FL
Sharon DelGuercio
Manager of Provider Relations
Walt Disney World Resort
Orlando, FL
Track: Risk Managers
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